Neurofeedback Therapy Helps
Learning Disabilities
If your child is having difficulty in school, you are not alone. It is estimated that 1 in 5 children in the U.S. have some form of learning or attention disorder.
Learning disabilities are neurologically based processing issues that can affect people of all ages. Most often they are detected in childhood as issues with learning skills such as reading and writing, science or math. However, they can also affect adults with higher-level skills, such as time management and organization, and they can cause issues with short-term memory and the ability to focus and pay attention.
When a brain is struggling to process information, it can lead to symptoms that make it difficult to learn, be productive, and reach one’s full potential. Neurofeedback guides the brain pattern toward the ideal pattern for learning, organization, and productivity.
There is a solution to help your child who struggles with learning disabilities. We would love to talk to you about helping your child. Call us today!